Value Consult Public Training Creating value for your business Website : | Click HERE to Unsubscribe from Our Newsletter | 2 Day Workshop | Developing Information Technology Strategic Plan | Arion Swiss Belhotel / THE 1O1 Hotels / Park Hotel Jakarta, Jakarta, 9-10 Oct 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 4.000.000,- | | Program Description Over the last two decades, the effective use of Information Technology (IT) has beenvery critical in contributing the successfulness of public and commercial organisations around the globe. In factit’s the main reason behind why organisations need to invest wisely in information, applications and technology in supporting their overall business strategy so they could operate sustainably. Nonetheless, this can be achieved by developing a strategic plan for the use and management of IT, based on an organisation's business strategy. IT Strategic Plan definitely will power organisations in maximizing effectiveness of IT, minimizing risk associated with IT initiatives, enhancing systems integration and flexibility, attaining competitive advantage by capitalizingon IT, and setting a clear direction going forward in implementation and management of IT. Program Description In details, at the end of this training, participants will be able to: - Develop a business-driven IT strategic plan that aligns with organizational needs
- Assess enterprise environment to determine business goals and core values
- Analyze existing IT resources to prioritize and allocate investments
- Make informed decisions to focus on IT strategic initiatives
- Socialize and communicate IT strategic vision and plan effectively
- Apply improvement process to monitor and update IT strategic plan
Program Content NO | TOPICS | HOURS | 1 | Understanding IT Planning and IT Strategic Planning activities | 1 | 2 | Comprehending IT Project Planning | 1 | 3 | Defining Business Analysis | 1 | 4 | Analyzing Current IT Strategy | 2 | 5 | Identifying and Defining Requirements | 2 | 6 | Understanding and Valuing Enterprise Architecture (EA) | 2 | 7 | Identifying and Defining Data and Infrastructure Architecture | 2 | 8 | Identifying and Defining Application Architecture | 2 | 9 | Identifying and Defining Technology and Infrastructure Architecture | 2 | 10 | Identifying and Defining Organization and Governance Architecture | 2 | 11 | Valuing Strategy Construction | 2 | 12 | Developing Business Case | 3 | 13 | Implementing and Monitoring IT Strategic Plan | 2 | | TOTAL HOURS | 24 | Training Methodology In order for effective learning and full appreciation, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for case studies, role-playing, group discussion and presentation. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions. Active participation will be encouraged through individual work and collaborative effort. Targeted Participants Those experienced IT professionals ranging from staff, project managers, functional managers, consultants, IT managers, IS managers, IT Director, IS Director who are involved in, in-charge for, developing Information Technologystrategy to their organizations. Facilitator | Goutama Bachtiar | Goutama Bachtiar adalah : Advisor, Auditor, Konsultan, Trainer, Courseware Designer dan Penulis bidang Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi selama 17 tahun terakhir dengan spesialisasi di ranah IT Governance, Risk, Security, Assurance, Audit dan IT Management. Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai advisor beberapa perusahaan dan organisasi, Subject Matter Expert, Program Mentor, Editorial Journal Reviewer, Certification Exam (CISA, CGEIT, CISM, CRISC) dan Study Materials Developer di ISACA International Chapter, Subject Matter Expert dan Program Evaluator di PMI International Chapter, IASA, SABSA dan Open Group Global Working Group Member, Reviewer Panel di International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Dosen Tamu di program pasca sarjana beberapa universitas di AS dan Indonesia (UTB, UI, IPB dan Binus), serta moderator, panelis dan pembicara di sejumlah konferensi, workshop dan seminar. Sebagai auditor dan konsultan, telah memberikan layanan tersebut kepada 35 perusahaan dan organisasi. Puluhan sertifikasi internasional sudah diperolehnya sampai dengan saat ini. Selain itu, beliau juga telah mengadakan dan memberikan pelatihan, perkuliahan, seminar, konferensi dan workshop sebanyak lebih dari 230 sesi dan 5500 jam lebih kepada sekitar 7500 peserta di Indonesia maupun luar negeri kepada lebih dari 70 perusahaan dan organisasi. Sebagai penulis, sudah mengarang 2 buku dan 22 courseware serta sudah menulis, melakukan review dan editing atas 300 artikel, manuskrip, paper dan white paper seputar Telematika dan Manajemen di lebih dari 20 media, publikasi, organisasi, jurnal dan konferensi. | Training Fee | Rp. 3.750.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 29 Sep 2015) Rp. 4.000.000 ,- (REG before 25 Sep 2015; payment before 29 Sep 2015) Rp. 4.450.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 9 Oct 2015) Rp. 4.845.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Certified Learning & Development Specialist | Arion Swiss Belhotel / THE 1O1 Hotels / Park Hotel Jakarta, Jakarta, 9-10 Oct 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 4.450.000,- | | Learning& Development faces an increasing challenge to justify its effectiveness in the face of rapid changes in business organization and advances in technology. Money spent in learning and development also increases considerably. How can we be assured the quality of learning and development program worth the cost and how can we asses and measure it. The big issue today is how to manage learning& development program effectively so that it would lead to better performance at an individual, work and organizational level. Program Description Certified Learning & Development Specialist Programis a professional development program designed to equip professional HR, trainers, team leaders & business facilitators with the knowledge & skills they need to analyze, plan, conduct, and evaluate dynamic & strategically linked high-impact learning & development programs. Learning Objectives - Managing overall A to Z of Learning and Development program.
- Interpret and deliver right-on-time the strategic people competency requirements of the organization.
- Demonstrate high-level knowledge of learning principles & mechanisms applied to designing & facilitating high-performance learning solutions.
- Determine the value-added of learning in relation to its contribution to the organization’s total competency.
Workplace Application - Learning of participants will equip them with competency to interpret and anticipate the learning and development requirements of the organization relative to its strategic directions.
- A distinction between training and learning development interventions will be used to determine the most appropriate interventions according to the individual needs of participants and their stakeholders. Thus Programs designed will bridge trainees’ actual performance gaps and expectations to enable them to deliver standards of exemplar behavior.
Program Topics - Strategic Partnering with Operations and Line Managers
- Identifying the Learning& Development Gaps & Interventions that Will Produce the Organizational Results
- Designing the High Impact Learning and Development Programs
- Transfer of Learning: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap
Who May Join Human Resource and Line Staff/Supervisors/Managers who are responsible for either or both management & development functions of HR. Executives and managers of strategic business units, organization functions, and human resource development professionals and champions.
Facilitator | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Memiliki sertifikasi HR Management dari Filipina dan telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai profesional HR di beberapa industri selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Selama karirnya di HR berbagai posisi pernah diembannya seperti Head of Training & Develoment, Head of Corporate Man Power Planing, Head of Corporate Career Development , Head of Corporate Organisation Development and Studies, HRD Manager, serta Senior Human Capital Manager . Termasuk di dalamnya beberapa penugasan International dan regional. Pengalaman yang lengkap di dunia praktek HR ini di-'genap'-kan dengan pengalamannya sebagai trainer dan HR consultant untuk berbagai industri seperti tobaccos, power plant, telecommunication, pulp & paper dan tourism. Pungki Purnadi juga adalah salah satu penggagas Sertifikasi Bidang SDM di universitas Atmajaya Jakarta dengan program Certified Human Resources Professional nya (CHRP). | Training Fee | Rp. 4.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 29 Sep 2015) Rp. 4.450.000 ,- (REG before 25 Sep 2015; payment before 29 Sep 2015) Rp. 5.000.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 9 Oct 2015) Rp. 5.450.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Competency Matrix Management System | Arion Swiss Belhotel / THE 1O1 Hotels / Park Hotel Jakarta, Jakarta, 12-13 Oct 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 4.000.000,- | | Sejak diperkenalkan oleh David Mc Clelland pada tahun 1973, konsep kompetensi telah diyakini mampu meningkatkan kinerja organisasi dan individu, dimana melalui pendekatan kompetensi ini, para praktisi SDM dapat mengintegrasikan strategi bisnis dengan sistem manajemen SDM.Untuk menerapkan sistem kompetensi pada sebuah organisasi ternyata bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. Beberapa pertanyaan dikemukakan oleh para praktisi SDM : Apa itu kompetensi ? Bagaimana cara menyusun kompetensi untuk sebuah organisasi? Bagaimana mengidentifikasikan kompetensi-kompetensi yang dibutuhkan organisasi ? Dan, bagaimana implementasinya dalam mendukung strategi bisnis ? Tak mudah memang untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan tersebut di atas. Kami mengenalkan apa itu Competency Matrix Management System (CMMS) yang merupakan pengembangan terkini atas Design & Analisa Kompetensi dan Penilaian Kinerja yang telah banyak dipakai oleh perusahaan terkemuka saat ini. Dengan program CMMS ini, perusahaan dapat menerapkan program pengembangan berdasarkan kompetensi secara efektif sebagai sarana penunjang strategi organisasi. Tujuan Pelatihan
- Memahami seluk-beluk kompetensi
- Peserta mampu menyusun teknik dan proses membuat model kompetensi
- Peserta mampu mengimplementasikan konsep kompetensi untuk mendukung strategi bisnis perusahaannya
Outline Materi - Strategi Bisnis dan Kompetensi
- Konsep Dasar Kompetensi
- Membangun Model Kompetensi
- Teknik Menyusun Kompetensi Organisasi, Kompetensi Peran dan Kompetensi Bidang
- Teknik Menyusun Competency Matrix
- Teknik Menyusun Competency Profile
- Menyusun Annual Training Master Plan
- Menyusun Annual Development Master Plan
- Implementasi Sistem Kompetensi dalam Recruitment, Training & Development, serta Career Planning dan Succession Planning
Metode Pelatihan
Presentasi , Simulasi, diskusi, dan studi kasus Facilitator | Adi Mardianto, S.Psi, MBA. | Adi Mardianto, S.Psi, MBA. Alumni Psikologi UGM. Direktur PT Mahatma Javakode, perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pengembangan software aplikasi. Adalah anggota aktif dari SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management – USA), ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) dan IHRAA. Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai praktisi HR di beberapa perusahaan multinasional seperti Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Gobel dan Astra Group. Menulis buku berjudul "Recruitment Handbook: Panduan Praktis untuk Rekrutmen dan Seleksi" ,"People Development Handbook: Metode & Teknik Pengembangan Orang di Tempat Kerja“, “Organization Development Analyst : Linked to Business Strategy”, dan “Recruitment Analyst”. Sebagai konsultan, telah membantu beberapa perusahaan BUMN ataupun swasta untuk mengembangkan HR System. Beliau mempunyai kompetensi membangun Integrated HR System dengan mengembangkan software aplikasi yang bisa dimodifikasi. Beliau juga berpengalaman melakukan seleksi karyawan lebih dari sepuluh ribu orang, sering melakukan asesmen hingga level manajerial dan memberikan berbagai training dengan tema HR System, HR Information System, Leadership, Management Development, People Development. | Training Fee | Rp. 3.750.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 2 Oct 2015) Rp. 4.000.000 ,- (REG before 28 Sep 2015; payment before 2 Oct 2015) Rp. 4.450.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 12 Oct 2015) Rp. 4.845.000 ,- (Full fare) | | Special Package : Dapatkan Paket - paket Free Training dan Value Gathering bagi yang tergabung dalam anggota milist VCC ( Value Community Circle ) Untuk bergabung, Kirim email kosong Contact Us ILP Center Building 2nd Floor, Suite 219 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 39 A Jakarta 12780 Contact Person : Ms. Ori & Mr. Fikri | | More Training on 2015 | Tanggal | Topik | Trainer | Early Bird | Status | 13-14 Aug 2015 | Optimizing Companys KPIs with Balance Scorecard | Widodo Aryanto SE., MCom | Rp. 3.750.000 | Confirm Running | 18-19 Aug 2015 | How To Plan & Organize Training | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.750.000 | Confirm Running | 18-19 Aug 2015 | Penerapan Prinsip Know Your Customer & Anti Money Laundering | Kurnia Hadi | Rp. 4.250.000 | Confirm Running | 1-2 Oct 2015 | Comprehensive Supervisory Skills training | G. Suardhika, MBA. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 6-7 Aug 2015 | Comprehensive Supervisory Skills training | G. Suardhika, MBA. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 8-9 Sep 2015 | Comprehensive Training Management System for Training Officer | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.750.000 | Almost Running | 14-15 Aug 2015 | Competency Based Performance Appraisal System | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 4.450.000 | Almost Running | 1 Oct 2015 | Dealing with Difficult People | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 2.250.000 | Almost Running | 2 Sep 2015 | Dealing with Difficult People | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 2.250.000 | Almost Running | 2 Sep 2015 | Designing Effective Internal Communications Program | Drs. Syarifudin Yunus | Rp. 4.000.000 | Almost Running | 1-2 Sep 2015 | Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for AE | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.550.000 | Almost Running | 27-28 Aug 2015 | Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for AE | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.550.000 | Almost Running | 27 Aug 2015 | General Affairs Officer Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 1.950.000 | Almost Running | 25 Sep 2015 | General Affairs Officer Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 1.950.000 | Almost Running | 13-14 Aug 2015 | Personnel Administration Development Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 3.750.000 | Almost Running | ©Copyright 2014 Value Consult, Training & People Development Consultant | |
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