Value Consult Public Training Creating value for your business Website : | Click HERE to Unsubscribe from Our Newsletter | 2 Day Workshop | Business English | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / The Park Lane Hotel / Kafe Pisa Menteng, Jakarta, 21-22 May 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.250.000,- | | Dalam persaingan global sekarang ini, penguasaan bahasa Inggris mutlak diperlukan. Pelatihan 2 (dua) hari Business English disiapkan bagi mereka yang bekerja/berkarya di berbagai bidang yang sering atau perlu menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Pelatihan ini disiapkan bagi mereka yang sudah belajar bahasa Inggris diatas level Beginners atau lulusan SLTA. Belajar suatu bahasa tentu tidak cukup hanya dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari, namun pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi stimulasi, motivasi serta taktik belajar, mempraktekkan dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Dengan mengetahui bagaimana menyenangkannya bisa mengerti, berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang pada akhirnya akan menambah nilai skills and performance (ketrampilan dan kinerja) dalam berkarya dan bergaul. Kesalahan utama mengapa orang Indonesia tidak dapat berbahasa Inggris ialah karena sewaktu belajar diharuskan menghafal dan mengikuti kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa (grammar). Tidak demikian halnya dengan pelatihan ini karena pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual secara komprehensif (communication comprehensive contextual approach). Business English dapat juga disebut Career English dan jika memerlukan pelatihan bagi kebutuhan yang spesifik para trainers yang berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam praktek bisnis, menggunakan bahasa Inggris juga mengajar bahasa Inggris, siap memberi fasilitas berbagai English language skills agar peserta pelatihan dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam karier tertentu atau untuk mereka yang bekerja di berbagai sektor. Belajar bahasa Inggris perlu tutors atau trainers berpengalaman yang sanggup mengajar English for Special Purposes. Kami siap memberikan pelatihan untuk bidang khusus misalnya, English for Economists, English for Bankers, Marketing English, English for Hospitality and Tourism, English for Hospital and Medical Professions, English for the Maritime Industry, English for Government Officials and Politicians, juga Speed Reading in English. Pelatihan yang khusus demikian dapat kami penuhi setelah kami mendapatkan analisis Training Needs; untuk itu silahkan hubungi kami. Berikut ini lebih jelas kami sampaikan secara singkat apa yang dimaksud dengan pelatihan Business English. Introduction Business English training is a practical study on the use of English in any business in which English is a daily communication language. Most transactions are won through the mastering of the language used during the communication process and negotiation. English is widely used in the world and officially is the international language. English is the lingua franca, the commercial language of the world. English is extremely idiomatic language, full of colorful and vivid imagery. We used phrases without a second thought as their literal meaning. As you increase and improve your vocabulary, you’ll also find that you’re more confident, and comfortable in your speech. The goals of this short training course are that participants will master specific business vocabulary using the English language structural patterns, and improving his or her ability to communicate effectively in English. The training course will stimulate participants to become interested in the meanings and origins of words or phrases, introduce to new ideas and concepts and add to the sum of the general knowledge of the participants. The reading for pronunciation and for understanding exercises will become guided reviews and for improved discussions. It will stimulate ideas for an opportunity to use new ideas, special terms, and structural terms. Training Course Out-line - Basic understanding of Communication in English
- Evolution and revolution of the English Language
- English language as a self-study
- Basic structure patterns and not grammar
- A taste of English in Banking, the language of Marketing English, Presentation and Negotiation Skills
- Business and Popular Vocabulary building and comprehension
- Words are tools; using the exact words quickly and easily
- Reading for pronunciation and reading for understanding
- Business English listening and speaking
- Tips on Business English writing
Facilitator | Drs. Ludwig Suparmo, M.Si | Beliau memulai kariernya dari bawah, ketika berumur 20 tahun, sebagai detailer/promosi obat secara ilmiah, kemudian meningkat ke jenjang supervisor, field manager, commercial officer, manager periklanan dan manager komunikasi. Sejak 20 tahun terakhir menjadi konsultan komunikasi dan manajemen, trainer dan pengajar di beberapa institusi perguruan tinggi. Mendapat pendidikan dan pelatihan manajemen di Manila, Philippines, Presentation Skills dan Negotiation Skills di London, United Kingdom. Setelah terjun sebagai praktisi langsung, menyempatkan diri di hari tuanya menyelesaikan pendidikan Master (S2) dalam waktu 18 bulan dan lulus sebagai peserta terbaik. | Training Fee | Rp. 3.050.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 11 May 2015) Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG before 7 May 2015; payment before 11 May 2015) Rp. 3.750.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 21 May 2015) Rp. 4.125.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Understanding and Implementing TOGAF | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / The Park Lane Hotel / Kafe Pisa Menteng, Jakarta, 22-23 May 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.500.000,- | | PROGRAM DESCRIPTION As the foremost generic framework in the field of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Architecture, TOGAF constitutes of crucial and major guidance on what to do to establish an architecture process and practice, how to leveragethem in conjunction with planning longer-term transformation of the enterprise and strategic architecture and designing further capabilities further to bring it forward. In high-level perspective, it looks at the respective framework as a whole, which includes several techniques to assist in describing, organising, adopting and governing the architecture particularly whenever dealing with issues such asSecurity and Service-oriented Architecture. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES At the end of this training, participants will be able to: - Understand solid processes in helping the organisation, governance and management of architecture teams and multiple architecture projects.
- Identify and capitalize on the elements of sound architectural process and practice.
- Value and attain a full appreciation of architecture practice.
PROGRAM CONTENT NO | TOPICS | HOURS | 1 | Comprehending Management Overview | 1 | 2 | Understanding TOGAF 9 Core Concepts and Components | 2 | 3 | Valuing Architecture Development Method (ADM) | 1 | 4 | Comprehending ADM Guidelines and Techniques | 2 | 5 | Describing Architecture Content Framework | 1 | 6 | Classifying architecture assets with Enterprise Continuum | 2 | 7 | Assessing Architecture Repository | 2 | 8 | Utilizing Architecture Governance and Capability | 2 | 9 | Capitalizing Architecture Views and Viewpoints | 2 | 10 | Identifying ADM Phases | 1 | 11 | Coordinating Building Blocks and ADM | 2 | 12 | Mastering ADM Guidelines and Techniques | 2 | 13 | Understanding Key ADM Deliverables | 2 | 14 | Valuing TOGAF Reference Models | 2 | | TOTAL HOURS | 24 |
TRAINING METHODOLOGY In order for effective learning and full appreciation, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for case studies, role-playing, group discussion and presentation. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions. Active participation will be encouraged through individual work and collaborative effort. TARGETED PARTICIPANTS Those experienced IT professionals ranging from architects, project managers, functional managers, consultants, IT managers, IS managers, IT Director, IS Director who wish to gain a full appreciation of architecture teams, projects, processes and practices in their organizations. WORKSHOP LEADER : | Goutama Bachtiar | A seasoned enterprise technologist and now budding entrepreneur with 14 years of experiences comprises 12 years of training and education, 7 years of strategic partnership, 8 years of IT Audit, 4 years of service delivery, 8 years of writing and courseware, as well as 6+ years of consulting, software development, project management and network administration. He has been actively serving as ISACA Subject Matter Expert and Exam Developer along with PMI Program Evaluator and Guest Lecturer in top-tier universities for Master and Undergraduate program, both physical and online, in Indonesia and the U.S. Various strategic positions he has helmed are Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman, Executive Board Member, Co-Founder, Country Channel Manager, Project Lead and Group Leader. Thus far his project engagement involves broad activities of consultancy, training, content, courseware, copywriting, information systems, enterprise application, programs, web development, to translation. Today he also has written triple digit articles concerning ICT, management and business in a variety of local and foreign, in leading media and companies. His areas of training are IT Audit, IT Project Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, COBIT, PMBOK, SEO and Social Media. Companies he has delivered his trainings are UMW Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Securities Commission, SME Bank, PLN, CIMB Niaga, Aero Systems, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Artha Graha Bank, Artajasa, Prodia Widyahusada, Thiess, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hokinda Citralestari, DPLK, BPD Jabar Banten, Lintas Media Danawa, Cahaya Listrindo and Universitas Krida Wacana. | Training Fee | Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 12 May 2015) Rp. 3.500.000 ,- (REG before 8 May 2015; payment before 12 May 2015) Rp. 3.950.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 22 May 2015) Rp. 4.345.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Understanding Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / The Park Lane Hotel / Kafe Pisa Menteng, Jakarta, 29-30 May 2015 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.500.000,- | | PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Every organization storing, transmitting or processing cardholder data must comply with Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) standard. This compliance to the standard is required, regulated and enforced by payment service corporations, such as VISA, MasterCard and American Express, both directly and through their partnershipswith acquirer banks. The standard itself is administered by PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SCC) aiming to decrease payment card fraud across the Internet and increase the security of confidential payment card information. This two-day training course builds a clear understanding of the PCI-DSS and empowers attendees to plan and deploy a cost-effective, time-efficient compliance project. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES When the training ends, the participants are expected to: - Understand PCI-DSS requirements
- Recognize how to protect cardholder data at work
- Familiarize with common back office scenarios
- Securely work with vendors
- Securely process payment card transactions on the phone and online
- Value best practices for handling payment card information
- Comprehend how to report an incident
- Know how to securely process payment card in person
- Understand how to respond to payment card fraud
PROGRAM CONTENT NO | TOPICS | HOURS | 1 | Understanding PCI-DSS Requirements, Objectives and Goals | 1 | 2 | Comprehending Other PCI Standards and Programs | 1 | 3 | Valuing Different Level of Compliance Needs for Merchants and Service Providers | 1 | 4 | Identifying Common Fraudulent Practices | 1.5 | 5 | Assessing Payment Card Security Features | 1.5 | 6 | Identifying Card Security Features | 1.5 | 7 | Identifying Payment Card Transaction Processes | 2 | 8 | Knowing How to Protect Cardholder Data at Work and Point-of-Sale | 1 | 9 | Knowing How Compliance and Incident Shall be Reported | 1 | 10 | Identifying Retention, Access, and Distribution | 1.5 | 11 | Valuing Work with Vendors | 1 | 12 | Mastering 12 Standard Requirements | 2 | | TOTAL HOURS | 16 |
TRAINING METHODOLOGY The course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for case studies, role-playing, and group discussion. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions. TARGETED PARTICIPANTS Individuals, professionals and organizations who are interested, involved or responsible for ensuring their organisations deployment and compliance to PCI-DSS standard technical and business requirements. WORKSHOP LEADER : | Goutama Bachtiar | A seasoned enterprise technologist and now budding entrepreneur with 14 years of experiences comprises 12 years of training and education, 7 years of strategic partnership, 8 years of IT Audit, 4 years of service delivery, 8 years of writing and courseware, as well as 6+ years of consulting, software development, project management and network administration. He has been actively serving as ISACA Subject Matter Expert and Exam Developer along with PMI Program Evaluator and Guest Lecturer in top-tier universities for Master and Undergraduate program, both physical and online, in Indonesia and the U.S. Various strategic positions he has helmed are Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman, Executive Board Member, Co-Founder, Country Channel Manager, Project Lead and Group Leader. Thus far his project engagement involves broad activities of consultancy, training, content, courseware, copywriting, information systems, enterprise application, programs, web development, to translation. Today he also has written triple digit articles concerning ICT, management and business in a variety of local and foreign, in leading media and companies. His areas of training are IT Audit, IT Project Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, COBIT, PMBOK, SEO and Social Media. Companies he has delivered his trainings are UMW Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Securities Commission, SME Bank, PLN, CIMB Niaga, Aero Systems, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Artha Graha Bank, Artajasa, Prodia Widyahusada, Thiess, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hokinda Citralestari, DPLK, BPD Jabar Banten, Lintas Media Danawa, Cahaya Listrindo and Universitas Krida Wacana. | Training Fee | Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 19 May 2015) Rp. 3.500.000 ,- (REG before 15 May 2015; payment before 19 May 2015) Rp. 3.950.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 29 May 2015) Rp. 4.345.000 ,- (Full fare) | | Special Package : Dapatkan Paket - paket Free Training dan Value Gathering bagi yang tergabung dalam anggota milist VCC ( Value Community Circle ) Untuk bergabung, Kirim email kosong ke Contact Us ILP Center Building 2nd Floor, Suite 219 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 39 A Jakarta 12780 Contact Person : Ms. Ori & Mr. Fikri | | More Training on 2015 | Tanggal | Topik | Trainer | Early Bird | Status | 16-17 Mar 2015 | Communication and Interpersonal Skills | Drs . Achmad Sablie, Psi | Rp. 3.050.000 | Confirm Running | 17-18 Mar 2015 | Executive Corporate Law for Non Lawyer | Dr. Suyud Margono, SH., MHum., CIArb. | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 16-17 Mar 2015 | General Affairs Management Development Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Confirm Running | 11-12 Mar 2015 | Protokol dan Pergaulan Internasional | Djoko Hardono | Rp. 3.250.000 | Confirm Running | 9-10 Apr 2015 | Comprehensive Supervisory Skills training | G. Suardhika, MBA. | Rp. 2.750.000 | Almost Running | 5-6 May 2015 | Comprehensive Training Management System for Training Officer | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 7-8 Apr 2015 | Comprehensive Training Management System for Training Officer | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 22-23 Apr 2015 | Competency Based Performance Appraisal System | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.050.000 | Almost Running | 1 Apr 2015 | Dealing with Difficult People | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 1.750.000 | Almost Running | 8 Apr 2015 | Designing Effective Internal Communications Program | Drs. Syarifudin Yunus | Rp. 3.500.000 | Almost Running | 6 May 2015 | Designing Effective Internal Communications Program | Drs. Syarifudin Yunus | Rp. 3.500.000 | Almost Running | 26 Mar 2015 | General Affairs Officer Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 1.450.000 | Almost Running | 30 Apr 2015 | General Affairs Officer Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 1.450.000 | Almost Running | 12-13 Mar 2015 | Personnel Administration Development Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 16-17 Apr 2015 | Personnel Administration Development Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | ©Copyright 2014 Value Consult, Training & People Development Consultant | |
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