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2 Day Workshop INCREASING YOUR SALES THROUGHT EFFECTIVE SELLING Five Star Hotels, 24-25 Feb 2015 Training Fee : Rp. 6.000.000,- (On The Spot, payment at the latest February 16th 2015) Rp. 6.600.000,- (Full fare) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Increasing Your Sales Throught Effective Selling adalah Training Program yang didesain untuk Para Sales Person Pemula maupun yang sudah mempunyai Jam Terbang memadai. Training program ini membahas secara lengkap hal-hal kemampuan yang harus dimiliki bagi seorang Sales Person. Tidak hanya membahas tetapi juga dilatih kemampuan yang harus dimiliki tersebut. Seringkali Sales Person pandai mendapatkan Prospect tetapi gagal di Closing Sales, atau gagal di Sales Presentation. Sementara banyak Sales Person Pandai melakukan Sales Presentation tetapi tidak mempunyai Prospect. Di Training Program ini semua kemampuan yang harus dimiliki seorang Sales Person dibahas tuntas dan dipraktekan. Training Program ini menekankan aspek-aspek :
Silabus :
Metode :
Trainer : Ir. Renardhy H. Lumelle, Mkom Sepanjang karirnya sarat dengan dunia Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Education & Training).
Topik Training lainnya Beliau bawakan meliputi bidang :
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GIFT TRAINING | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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2 Day Workshop DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING & BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING Five Star Hotels, 25-26 Feb 2015 Training Fee : Rp. 6.000.000,- (On The Spot, payment at the latest February 16th 2015) Rp. 6.600.000,- (Full fare) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION By examining how an organization makes IT investment decisions, implements new assets, delivers services, assesses risk and measures its own performance, the IT auditor can assure the organization is meeting its fiduciary, compliance and security responsibilities. By joining this training, participants will learn how to audit an organization’s use of its Information Technology assets.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES In details, at the end of this training, participants will be able to:
TRAINING METHODOLOGY In order for effective learning and full appreciation, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for hands-on lab exercise and case studies. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions. Active participation will be encouraged through individual work and collaborative effort.
TARGETED PARTICIPANTS Those new or experienced business continuity planners, business unit staff and information technology staff who are involved in, in-charge for, or manage business continuity and disaster recovery planning functions.
WORKSHOP LEADER : Goutama Bachtiar A seasoned enterprise technologist and now budding entrepreneur with 14 years of experiences comprises 12 years of training and education, 7 years of strategic partnership, 8 years of IT Audit, 4 years of service delivery, 8 years of writing and courseware, as well as 6+ years of consulting, software development, project management and network administration. He has been actively serving as ISACA Subject Matter Expert and Exam Developer along with PMI Program Evaluator and Guest Lecturer in top-tier universities for Master and Undergraduate program, both physical and online, in Indonesia and the U.S. Various strategic positions he has helmed are Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman, Executive Board Member, Co-Founder, Country Channel Manager, Project Lead and Group Leader. Thus far his project engagement involves broad activities of consultancy, training, content, courseware, copywriting, information systems, enterprise application, programs, web development, to translation. Today he also has written triple digit articles concerning ICT, management and business in a variety of local and foreign, in leading media and companies. His areas of training are IT Audit, IT Project Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, COBIT, PMBOK, SEO and Social Media. Companies he has delivered his trainings are UMW Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Securities Commission, SME Bank, PLN, CIMB Niaga, Aero Systems, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Artha Graha Bank, Artajasa, Prodia Widyahusada, Thiess, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hokinda Citralestari, DPLK, BPD Jabar Banten, Lintas Media Danawa, Cahaya Listrindo and Universitas Krida Wacana. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GIFT TRAINING | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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2 Day Workshop BUDGET MODELLING USING MS. EXCEL Five Star Hotels, 3-4 Mar 2015 Training Fee : Rp. 6.000.000,- (On The Spot, payment at the latest February 16th 2015) Rp. 6.600.000,- (Full fare) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Microsof Excel masih merupakan spreadsheet yang sangat aplikatif dan popular dalam menyusun budget. vMasih banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan program ini. Disamping sangat user friendly dan popular. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan dalam menyusun budget, perlu diketahui bagaimana mengoptimalisasi kemampuan program excel dan kebutuhan budget itu sendiri. Tujuan & Manfaat Pelatihan
Siapa yang Menjadi Peserta?
Metode Pelatihan
Pokok-Pokok Bahasan
Workshop Leader : Ghani Basyar S.E, M.M Beliau telah berkecimpung di dalam dunia industri dan pendidikan kurang lebih 17 tahun. Manajemen/Bisnis dan Keuangan, 2 hal yang sangat berkaitan dan saling menunjang telah dikembangkan menjadi suatu sinergi yang saling terpadu dalam suatu sistem perusahaan. Sejak tahun 1999 telah mempelajari dan mengetrapkan Konsep modeling Keuangan dan Manajemen/bisnins di dalam suatu industry keuangan. Kelebihan dan kekurangan dari implementasi ini telah dikenali dan diketemukan solusinya. Awal tahun 2004, bergabung dengan LPPM lembaga manajemen tertua di Indonesai dan di perusahaan telah mencapai posisi top Manager. Perpaduan antara teori dan praktek telah memperkaya kemampuannya dalam mengimplementasikan suatu konsep. Tidak ketinggalan juga, gelar academic telah diperoleh dengan predikat sangat memuaskan. Berbekal pengalaman yang mendalam dan sertificate yang diperoleh, berbagai macam project telah berhasil dikerjakan dan berhasil dengan sukses. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GIFT TRAINING | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ILP Center Building 2nd Floor, Suite 219 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 39 A Jakarta 12780 Contact Person : Ms. Riri
Platinum Training | Consultant | PT | 2014 |
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