Value Consult Public Training Creating value for your business Website : | 2 Day Workshop | Designing & Evaluating Employee Satisfaction Survey | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta , 12-13 Sep 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.500.000,- | | Sebagai aset terpenting perusahaan, karyawan perlu dikelola dengan benar. Perusahaan yang bertujuan meraih keuntungan dan terus bertumbuh dalam jangka panjang memerlukan motivasi, produktifitas, dan loyalitas yang tinggi dari para karyawannya, agar para karyawan mampu menunjukkan performa seperti yang diharapkan. Untuk memastikan tingkat kinerja optimal tersebut, Perusahaan perlu selalu memonitor tingkat kepuasan kerja karyawan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu input penyusunan kebijakan Perusahaan. Outline : - Memahami konsep-konsep Employee Satisfaction dan hubungannya dengan Organization behavior, Communication within organization, Employee Motivation & Performance dan Loyalti (Employee Turn Over)
- Mengetahui teknik-teknik mendesign pengukuran Employee Satisfaction dan kegunaannya sehingga peserta dapat melakukan sendiri pengukuran Employee Satisfaction.
Teknik-teknik yang akan dipelajari: - Teknik Pengukuran Kualitatif: Focus Group Discussion, Suggestion System.
- Teknik Pengukuran Kuantitatif: Metode Sampling, Metode Pengumpulan data, Pembuatan kuesioner, Validasi Data, Metode Analisis Data dan Pelaporan.
3. Membuat program implementasi dan aktifitas perbaikan, melalui: - Breakdown analysis per fungsi/departemen dalam perusahaan
- Penentuan sasaran (goal) perbaikan
- Penyusunan aktifitas perbaikan per fungsi yang terkait
- Measurement of Planned Actions
Workshop Leader : | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Memiliki sertifikasi HR Management dari Filipina dan telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai profesional HR di beberapa industri selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Selama karirnya di HR berbagai posisi pernah diembannya seperti Head of Training & Develoment, Head of Corporate Man Power Planing, Head of Corporate Career Development , Head of Corporate Organisation Development and Studies, HRD Manager, serta Senior Human Capital Manager . Termasuk di dalamnya beberapa penugasan International dan regional. Pengalaman yang lengkap di dunia praktek HR ini di-'genap'-kan dengan pengalamannya sebagai trainer dan HR consultant untuk berbagai industri seperti tobaccos, power plant, telecommunication, pulp & paper dan tourism. Pungki Purnadi juga adalah salah satu penggagas Sertifikasi Bidang SDM di universitas Atmajaya Jakarta dengan program Certified Human Resources Professional nya (CHRP). | Training Fee | Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 2 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.500.000 ,- (REG before 29 Aug 2014; payment before 2 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.950.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 12 Sep 2014) Rp. 4.345.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Certified Learning & Development Specialist | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta , 19-20 Sep 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.500.000,- | | Pengantar Learning& Development faces an increasing challenge to justify its effectiveness in the face of rapid changes in business organization and advances in technology. Money spent in learning and development also increases considerably. How can we be assured the quality of learning and development program worth the cost and how can we asses and measure it. The big issue today is how to manage learning& development program effectively so that it would lead to better performance at an individual, work and organizational level. Program Description Certified Learning & Development Specialist Programis a professional development program designed to equip professional HR, trainers, team leaders & business facilitators with the knowledge & skills they need to analyze, plan, conduct, and evaluate dynamic & strategically linked high-impact learning & development programs. Learning Objectives - Managing overall A to Z of Learning and Development program.
- Interpret and deliver right-on-time the strategic people competency requirements of the organization.
- Demonstrate high-level knowledge of learning principles & mechanisms applied to designing & facilitating high-performance learning solutions.
- Determine the value-added of learning in relation to its contribution to the organization’s total competency.
Workplace Application - Learning of participants will equip them with competency to interpret and anticipate the learning and development requirements of the organization relative to its strategic directions.
- A distinction between training and learning development interventions will be used to determine the most appropriate interventions according to the individual needs of participants and their stakeholders. Thus Programs designed will bridge trainees’ actual performance gaps and expectations to enable them to deliver standards of exemplar behavior.
Program Topics: - Strategic Partnering with Operations and Line Managers
- Identifying the Learning& Development Gaps & Interventions that Will Produce the Organizational Results
- Designing the High Impact Learning and Development Programs
- Transfer of Learning: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap
Who May Join: Human Resource and Line Staff/Supervisors/Managers who are responsible for either or both management & development functions of HR. Executives and managers of strategic business units, organization functions, and human resource development professionals and champions. FACILITATOR | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Memiliki sertifikasi HR Management dari Filipina dan telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai profesional HR di beberapa industri selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Selama karirnya di HR berbagai posisi pernah diembannya seperti Head of Training & Develoment, Head of Corporate Man Power Planing, Head of Corporate Career Development , Head of Corporate Organisation Development and Studies, HRD Manager, serta Senior Human Capital Manager . Termasuk di dalamnya beberapa penugasan International dan regional. Pengalaman yang lengkap di dunia praktek HR ini di-'genap'-kan dengan pengalamannya sebagai trainer dan HR consultant untuk berbagai industri seperti tobaccos, power plant, telecommunication, pulp & paper dan tourism. Pungki Purnadi juga adalah salah satu penggagas Sertifikasi Bidang SDM di universitas Atmajaya Jakarta dengan program Certified Human Resources Professional nya (CHRP). | Training Fee | Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 9 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.500.000 ,- (REG before 5 Sep 2014; payment before 9 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.950.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 19 Sep 2014) Rp. 4.345.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Designing Powerfull Knowledge Management In Building Learning Organization | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta , 26-27 Sep 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.500.000,- | | “Deliver more, and do it with less resource" Isn’t that the productivity challenge that everyone in business is facing today?A key way to achieve this is by sharing know-how – by using and adapting what someone else has already learned. Many people know instinctively they should be doing this, but struggle to know how to get started. The record of what we know at a single point in time, now. Our world continues to change, and we continue to learn. We look forward to hearing what you learn through the experience of reading, and most importantly applying, what follows in the Knowledge Management. Objectives: To know how to design the knowledge management blueprint this will align with company vision, mission and values. To know the basic of knowledge management and its practices, how to capture, share and applying in order to support company growth. To develop the participants’ knowledge management competencies which will support the learning activities planned in the company. This means to enable the participants to support management teams, in the knowledge management role.
General Information: This 2-day program will be delivered in a combination between lecturer and role-plays - exercises for 16 effective teaching hours. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Day 1 : ESSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Understand and define your company needs toward KM
- What is Knowledge Management?
- The holistic model – it’s more than the sum of the parts
- Getting the environment right
- Getting started – Just do it
Day 2 :TOOLS and TECHNIQUES - Design the KM Blue print and step-by-step process
- Learning from your peers – somebody has already done it
- Learning whilst doing – time to reflect
- Learning after doing – when it’s all over
- Finding the right people – if only I knew who
- Networking & Communities of practice
- Leveraging what we’ve learned – capturing knowledge
- Implement KM and its attributes
- Maintain and continuous improvement of KM
- Moving along the KM Performance Curve
- Communicating the value of KM
- KM and Change Management
- KM Best Practices
Workshop Leader : | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Memiliki sertifikasi HR Management dari Filipina dan telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai profesional HR di beberapa industri selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Selama karirnya di HR berbagai posisi pernah diembannya seperti Head of Training & Develoment, Head of Corporate Man Power Planing, Head of Corporate Career Development , Head of Corporate Organisation Development and Studies, HRD Manager, serta Senior Human Capital Manager . Termasuk di dalamnya beberapa penugasan International dan regional. Pengalaman yang lengkap di dunia praktek HR ini di-'genap'-kan dengan pengalamannya sebagai trainer dan HR consultant untuk berbagai industri seperti tobaccos, power plant, telecommunication, pulp & paper dan tourism. Pungki Purnadi juga adalah salah satu penggagas Sertifikasi Bidang SDM di universitas Atmajaya Jakarta dengan program Certified Human Resources Professional nya (CHRP). | Training Fee | Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 16 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.500.000 ,- (REG before 12 Sep 2014; payment before 16 Sep 2014) Rp. 3.950.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 26 Sep 2014) Rp. 4.345.000 ,- (Full fare) | | Special Package : Dapatkan Paket - paket Free Training dan Value Gathering bagi yang tergabung dalam anggota milist VCC ( Value Community Circle ) Untuk bergabung, Kirim email kosong ke Contact Us ILP Center Building 2nd Floor, Suite 219 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 39 A Jakarta 12780 Contact Person : Mrs. Riri & Ms. Ori | | Click HERE to Unsubscribe from Our Newsletter | More Training on 2014 | Tanggal | Topik | Trainer | Early Bird | Status | 22-23 Aug 2014 | Certified Career & Talent Management Specialist | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 15-16 Aug 2014 | Certified Professional Human Resources Management (CPHRM) | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 25-26 Aug 2014 | Step by Step Menjadi Programmer Handal Dengan Tools .Net Developer | Agus Sulaiman, S. Kom, MM | Rp. 3.250.000 | Confirm Running | 28-29 Aug 2014 | Comprehensive Supervisory Skills training | G. Suardhika, MBA. | Rp. 2.750.000 | Almost Running | 25 Aug 2014 | Designing Effective Internal Communications Program | Syarifuddin Yunus | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 22-23 Aug 2014 | Effective Competency Design And Its Application Workshop | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Almost Running | 2-3 Sep 2014 | Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for AE | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.050.000 | Almost Running | 1 Sep 2014 | Executive Spiritual Forum: Finding Your Essential Self | Yeti Prawasti, Psi. | Rp. 1.750.000 | Almost Running | 28-29 Aug 2014 | General Affairs Management Development Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 21 Aug 2014 | General Affairs Officer Program | Sih Hartono, SE., MM. | Rp. 1.450.000 | Almost Running | 15 Sep 2014 | Modern HSE Management System | Ir. Dwi Handaya, MK3 | Rp. 1.750.000 | Almost Running | 15-16 Sep 2014 | Lobbying & Negotiation Skills For Managers | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 2.750.000 | Almost Running | 18-19 Aug 2014 | Lobbying & Negotiation Skills For Managers | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 2.750.000 | Almost Running | 18 Aug 2014 | Marketing For Non Marketer | Moh. Husni, Psi. | Rp. 1.950.000 | Almost Running | 28-29 Aug 2014 | Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu & Outsourcing | Cecilia Sri Hayani | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | ©Copyright 2010 Value Consult, Training & People Development Consultant | |
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