Value Consult Public Training Creating value for your business Website : | Click HERE to Unsubscribe from Our Newsletter | 2 Day Workshop | Aligning & Executing Strategy | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/The Park Lane Hotel Jakarta, 1-2 Dec 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.250.000,- | | Program overview Meningkatkan posisi organisasi untuk mencapai sukses dalam jangka panjang di pasar global dengan mengintegrasikan desain dan pelaksanaan strategi bisnis yang sangat efektif, dengan mengeksplorasi komponen inti dari bangunan strategi yaitu lingkungan yang kompetitif dan keunggulan kompetitif serta menyelaraskan organisasi untuk mengoptimalkan strategi, memanfaatkan peluang, dan mendorong pertumbuhan. Program ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan individu atau tim, dan manajer untuk dapat lebih efektif mendorong proses dalam mendefinisikan, melaksanakan, dan bertindak dinamis untuk menyesuaikan strategi dalam memasuki persaingan. Objective - Menyelaraskan strategi dan pelaksanaan bisnis di berbagai industri
- Memperluas jaringan operasional bisnis di internasional maupun multinasional
- Meningkatkan strategi bisnis
- Mengembangkan strategi pengambilan keputusan.
Outline - Mengevaluasi Eksternal Lingkungan Bisnis
- 1.1.Mengidentifikasi kekuatan untuk mendorong struktur industry
- 1.2. Peramalan evolusi industry
- Mengetahui pesaing
- 2.1. Mengenali pesaing
- 2.2. Tujuan analisa pesaing, asumsi, kemampuan dan strategi
- 2.3. Memprediksi pelaku pesaing
- Positioning perusahaan untuk bersaing
- 3.1.Mengidentifikasi nilai sumber daya dan keunggulan kompetitif
- 3.2.Konfigurasi kegiatan internal perusahaan untuk keunggulan kompetitif
- 3.3.Memilih strategi bersaing yang terbaik
- 3.4.Mengembangkan kemitraan strategis yang tepat
- Menyelaraskan strategi bisnis dan eksekusi
- 4.1.Memastikan bahwa organisasi mengeksekusi strategi dengan efektif
- 4.2.Mengatasi mis-alignment strategi dan eksekusi
- 4.3.Mengukur secara realistis terhadap kemajuan usaha
- Memastikan strategi dilakukan secara berkelanjutan
- 5.1.Mengidentifikasi ancaman dalam mempertahankan keunggulan strategis
- 5.2.Etika strategi
- 5.3.Memahami dinamika globalisasi dan keunggulan kompetitif
- 5.4.Keberhasilan bisnis dalam lintas budaya
- 5.5. Menyelaraskan sumber daya, kegiatan dan tujuan organisasi pada perusahaan multinasional
Benefit Menyelaraskan pelaksanaan strategi dalam eksplorasi yang efektif untuk menyelaraskan strategi dan eksekusi dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan dalam ekonomi global untuk mendapatkan pemahaman atas hambatan dalam strategis saat menghadapi pasar bebas dan pesaing internasional. Peserta - Anggota eksekutif
- Kepala operasional
- Eksekutif senior, fungsional senior
Workshop Leader : | Setiono Winardi | Menamatkan pendidikan Hukum (S-1) pada Universitas Islam Jakarta, kemudian mengambil gelar (S-2) Master Business Administration dari dari Saint John University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, kemudian mengambil program Diploma pada National University of Singapore dan Murdock University, Dubai, UAE. Beliau adalah salah satu associate consultant Value Consult ini, berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam bidang Human Resources serta telah menapaki berbagai jenjang karir. Pengakuan sebagai professional dan praktisi di dunia internasional, dengan telah diterimanya berbagai Penghargaan (Awards) atau Honors, dari beberapa Negara asing, sebagai berikut: - Award the Best Practice for Operation of Human Resources Management dari the National Police HongKong Government;
- Honors the Best Practice Operation for Human Resources dari the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Ghana, West Africa;
- Award the Best Practice Human Resources Management dari the Economy Community West African State (ECOWAS) Regional Office Lome Republic of Togo West Africa;
- Awards the Best Practice Human Resources Management dari the Ministry of Trade & Export, the Federal Republic of Nigeria West Africa;
- Award the Best Practice Operation for Human Resources dari the Royal Goverment Cambodia.
| Training Fee | Rp. 3.050.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 21 Nov 2014) Rp. 3.250.000 ,- (REG before 17 Nov 2014; payment before 21 Nov 2014) Rp. 3.750.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 1 Dec 2014) Rp. 4.125.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Implementing IT Service Management with ISO 20000 | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/The Park Lane Hotel, Jakarta, 11-12 Dec 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.050.000,- | | PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ISO 20000 focuses on the integration and implementation sides of service management processes. It is aimed for providing on going control, greater efficiency and opportunities for continuing improvement which in the end means that coordinating further within other employees inside our organization to align the staff and procedures of our service desk, service support, service delivery and operations team. When the training ends, the participants are expected to have sufficient knowledge of contents and high-level requirements of ISO 20000 standard from its scope, objectives, key terminology and high level requirements, as well as understand how the standard operates in a typical IT service provider or an end-user organization together with the main elements of the certification process. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES In details, at the end of this training, participants will be able to: - Understand scope and purpose of parts 1, 2, 3 and 5 of ISO 20000
- Comprehend key terms and definitions
- Value fundamental requirements and continual improvement
- Understand processes, objectives and high level requirements
- Familiarize with applicability and scope definition requirements
- Value the purpose of internal and external audits and their operation
- Produce and assess gap analysis through improvement and implementation plan
- Understand, create, apply and evaluate a service management plan
- Understand, create, apply and evaluate processes, procedures, process specific plans and process specific policies
- Understand relationship with IT-IL, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001
PROGRAM CONTENT NO | SESSIONS | HOURS | 1 | Overview of ISO/IEC 20000 and its Requirements | 1 | 2 | Familiarizing with Purpose and Definition | 1 | 3 | Comprehending Terms and Definitions | 1 | 4 | Valuing Roles, Responsibilities, Requirements and Processes | 1 | 5 | Understandingthe Deming Cycle | 2 | 6 | Developing Service Management Plan | 2 | 7 | Applying Service Delivery and Relationship Processes | 2 | 8 | Deploying Design and Transition of New and Changed Service Processes | 2 | 9 | Implementing Control and Resolution Processes | 2 | 10 | Valuing Compatibility with other Management System Standards | 1 | 11 | Understanding Schemes for Certification and Qualification | 1 | | TOTAL HOURS | 16 |
TRAINING METHODOLOGY In order for effective learning and full appreciation, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for hands-on lab exercise and case studies. Active participation will be encouraged through individual work and collaborative effort. TARGETED PARTICIPANTS Those newly or experienced service delivery, service management, business unit, quality, operational, Information Security, Information Technology professionals, managers, and consultants who are involved in, in-charge for, or manage Information Technology Service Management Systemor introduce ISO 20000further to their organizations. WORKSHOP LEADER : | Goutama Bachtiar | A seasoned enterprise technologist and now budding entrepreneur with 14 years of experiences comprises 12 years of training and education, 7 years of strategic partnership, 8 years of IT Audit, 4 years of service delivery, 8 years of writing and courseware, as well as 6+ years of consulting, software development, project management and network administration. He has been actively serving as ISACA Subject Matter Expert and Exam Developer along with PMI Program Evaluator and Guest Lecturer in top-tier universities for Master and Undergraduate program, both physical and online, in Indonesia and the U.S. Various strategic positions he has helmed are Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman, Executive Board Member, Co-Founder, Country Channel Manager, Project Lead and Group Leader. Thus far his project engagement involves broad activities of consultancy, training, content, courseware, copywriting, information systems, enterprise application, programs, web development, to translation. Today he also has written triple digit articles concerning ICT, management and business in a variety of local and foreign, in leading media and companies. His areas of training are IT Audit, IT Project Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, COBIT, PMBOK, SEO and Social Media. Companies he has delivered his trainings are UMW Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Securities Commission, SME Bank, PLN, CIMB Niaga, Aero Systems, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Artha Graha Bank, Artajasa, Prodia Widyahusada, Thiess, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hokinda Citralestari, DPLK, BPD Jabar Banten, Lintas Media Danawa, Cahaya Listrindo and Universitas Krida Wacana. | Training Fee | Rp. 2.750.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 1 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.050.000 ,- (REG before 27 Nov 2014; payment before 1 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.450.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 11 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.795.000 ,- (Full fare) | 2 Day Workshop | Understanding and Implementing TOGAF | Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Kafe Pisa Menteng/The Park Lane Hotel, Jakarta, 11-12 Dec 2014 | Early Bird : Rp. 3.050.000,- | | PROGRAM DESCRIPTION As the foremost generic framework in the field of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Architecture, TOGAF constitutes of crucial and major guidance on what to do to establish an architecture process and practice, how to leveragethem in conjunction with planning longer-term transformation of the enterprise and strategic architecture and designing further capabilities further to bring it forward. In high-level perspective, it looks at the respective framework as a whole, which includes several techniques to assist in describing, organising, adopting and governing the architecture particularly whenever dealing with issues such asSecurity and Service-oriented Architecture. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES At the end of this training, participants will be able to: - Understand solid processes in helping the organisation, governance and management of architecture teams and multiple architecture projects.
- Identify and capitalize on the elements of sound architectural process and practice.
- Value and attain a full appreciation of architecture practice.
PROGRAM CONTENT NO | TOPICS | HOURS | 1 | Comprehending Management Overview | 1 | 2 | Understanding TOGAF 9 Core Concepts and Components | 2 | 3 | Valuing Architecture Development Method (ADM) | 1 | 4 | Comprehending ADM Guidelines and Techniques | 2 | 5 | Describing Architecture Content Framework | 1 | 6 | Classifying architecture assets with Enterprise Continuum | 2 | 7 | Assessing Architecture Repository | 2 | 8 | Utilizing Architecture Governance and Capability | 2 | 9 | Capitalizing Architecture Views and Viewpoints | 2 | 10 | Identifying ADM Phases | 1 | 11 | Coordinating Building Blocks and ADM | 2 | 12 | Mastering ADM Guidelines and Techniques | 2 | 13 | Understanding Key ADM Deliverables | 2 | 14 | Valuing TOGAF Reference Models | 2 | | TOTAL HOURS | 24 |
TRAINING METHODOLOGY In order for effective learning and full appreciation, the course will be delivered with 30% of the time devoted to important concepts and other theory topics and 70% allotted for case studies, role-playing, group discussion and presentation. Training lead will be assisted by presentation slides and actual demonstrations for clear understanding and smooth follow-through during the sessions. Active participation will be encouraged through individual work and collaborative effort. TARGETED PARTICIPANTS Those experienced IT professionals ranging from architects, project managers, functional managers, consultants, IT managers, IS managers, IT Director, IS Director who wish to gain a full appreciation of architecture teams, projects, processes and practices in their organizations. WORKSHOP LEADER : | Goutama Bachtiar | A seasoned enterprise technologist and now budding entrepreneur with 14 years of experiences comprises 12 years of training and education, 7 years of strategic partnership, 8 years of IT Audit, 4 years of service delivery, 8 years of writing and courseware, as well as 6+ years of consulting, software development, project management and network administration. He has been actively serving as ISACA Subject Matter Expert and Exam Developer along with PMI Program Evaluator and Guest Lecturer in top-tier universities for Master and Undergraduate program, both physical and online, in Indonesia and the U.S. Various strategic positions he has helmed are Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman, Executive Board Member, Co-Founder, Country Channel Manager, Project Lead and Group Leader. Thus far his project engagement involves broad activities of consultancy, training, content, courseware, copywriting, information systems, enterprise application, programs, web development, to translation. Today he also has written triple digit articles concerning ICT, management and business in a variety of local and foreign, in leading media and companies. His areas of training are IT Audit, IT Project Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, COBIT, PMBOK, SEO and Social Media. Companies he has delivered his trainings are UMW Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Securities Commission, SME Bank, PLN, CIMB Niaga, Aero Systems, Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Artha Graha Bank, Artajasa, Prodia Widyahusada, Thiess, Boehringer Ingelheim, Hokinda Citralestari, DPLK, BPD Jabar Banten, Lintas Media Danawa, Cahaya Listrindo and Universitas Krida Wacana. | Training Fee | Rp. 2.750.000 ,- (REG for 3 person/more; payment before 1 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.050.000 ,- (REG before 27 Nov 2014; payment before 1 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.450.000 ,- (On The Spot; payment at the latest 11 Dec 2014) Rp. 3.795.000 ,- (Full fare) | | Special Package : Dapatkan Paket - paket Free Training dan Value Gathering bagi yang tergabung dalam anggota milist VCC ( Value Community Circle ) Untuk bergabung, Kirim email kosong ke Contact Us ILP Center Building 2nd Floor, Suite 219 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 39 A Jakarta 12780 Contact Person : Ms. Riri & Ms. Ori | | More Training on 2014 | Tanggal | Topik | Trainer | Early Bird | Status | 18 Nov 2014 | Merchandising Principles | Semba Biawan | Rp. 1.950.000 | Confirm Running | 14-15 Nov 2014 | Certified Organization Development Specialist | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 31-1 Nov 2014 | Certified Professional Human Resources Management (CPHRM) | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 10-11 Nov 2014 | Studi Kelayakan Bisnis | Subur Harahap, SE, Ak, Dipl.FP, MM, CFP | Rp. 3.050.000 | Confirm Running | 17-18 Nov 2014 | HR for Non HR | Agus Mauludi | Rp. 3.250.000 | Confirm Running | 10-11 Nov 2014 | Certified of Business Development Specialist | Daniel Saputro, MM., MBA. | Rp. 3.500.000 | Confirm Running | 3-4 Nov 2014 | Telemarketing Skills Training | Silvia Agustina S | Rp. 2.750.000 | Confirm Running | 12 Nov 2014 | Optimizing Companys KPIs with Balance Scorecard | Yodhia Antariksa, Msc in HR | Rp. 1.950.000 | Almost Running | 10-11 Dec 2014 | Comprehensive Supervisory Skills training | G. Suardhika, MBA. | Rp. 2.750.000 | Almost Running | 5-6 Nov 2014 | Comprehensive Training Management System for Training Officer | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.050.000 | Almost Running | 7-8 Nov 2014 | Competency Based Performance Appraisal System | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.050.000 | Almost Running | 12 Nov 2014 | Dealing with Difficult People | Drs. Elyus Lanin, M. Si. | Rp. 1.750.000 | Almost Running | 9 Dec 2014 | Designing Effective Internal Communications Program | Drs. Syarifudin Yunus | Rp. 3.250.000 | Almost Running | 19-20 Dec 2014 | Effective Competency Design And Its Application Workshop | Pungki Purnadi, ST., MM., MHRM | Rp. 3.500.000 | Almost Running | 25-26 Nov 2014 | Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for AE | Semba Biawan | Rp. 3.050.000 | Almost Running | ©Copyright 2014 Value Consult, Training & People Development Consultant | |
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